Friday, October 22, 2010

10/22 Creepiest Movie


That was probably the most messed up movie I've ever seen. It's a B-movie, so it dosn't have the best actors, and it might be slightly difficult to find, but it still gives me goosebumps.

It's about a crazy sugeon doctor who's obsessed with connecting people anus to mouth to create a human centipede. He's tried it once with three dogs he had, but they all died. So he wants to do it again, and have it be succesful.

He kidnaps three people, and almost immediatly preforms surgery on them after explaining what he was going to do.

After he treets them like animals, and gives them tasks to accomplish while in the state there in. He also cut some tendon in there knees so they couldn't stand up, and had to walk on all fours.

The whole movie is just this guy torturing them! Pretty much! I mean, there was a plot, but most of the plot was deluded by how gross and sickening most of the movie was. It wasn't a BAD movie, but not a box office hit. If you like scary movies, and can hold your lunch, this movie is definatly something to see. But anything might wanna skip out on it.

WARNING: There's a little nudity, but it's not really the bad kind. I know what you're thinking. "Morgan, how is it that there are bad and good naked people?" Well, in my OPINION [I stress the opinion part] when you see someone naked in a sexual sense, or in a way were there like 'LOOK AT MY UNMENTIONABLES!', then it's bad. And gross. ...Put some pants on.

BUT, if there's realistic nudity, then it's okay.

"But Morgan, what could you possible mean by 'realistic nudity'?" If some woman was shot in the chest, and the peramedics had to take her clothing off to mend the wound, get over it. Yes, I know, those are boobies. But there trying to SAVE HER LIFE. Not trying to get a picture to post up on ''. I call it realistic because there not showing a person naked to be all 'HEY LOOK! THERE NAKED!'. There showing it to be more realistic towards a situation. Another example, if you didn't get the other one, is if you're pants are on fire...TAKE THEM OFF. If some weird contamination happened, and some Biomedical SWAT team had to claim your clothing for safty, and to uncontaminate you...take them off. Hopfully you understand what I mean, and don't think I like seeing people flash me.

But back to the topic, yes, you see boobies. But it's because this crazed doctor preformed some kind of messed up operation on them and only has them clothed in medical band-aid. Belive me, I don't think they're too worried about how they're naked. Least of there worries.

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