Tuesday, November 16, 2010

11/16- Winning

Winning. To me it's all about knowing that you have succeed in something.

It's not so much about beating someone, or the trophies and glory. I find it as an accomplished feeling because I know I have pushed myself, either body, mind or both, to improve and get better.

Winning is a very weird thing to discuss for me, I'm having trouble describing how I feel about it. Because I'm not trying to go the really cheezy way and say the nice thing "Winning doesn't matter."

Because in my belief, it dose. Now I know what you're thinking. "Wow Morgan, what a really cruel thing to say!" But It's different then that. It's not that I'm saying I don't care what happens, if I win I'm happy, BUT it's much more complicated then that.

Without winning, there is no ambition to win again, and no self value. If someone never one anything, they'll probably think of how pathetic they are because they believe they can't win anything, rather then they just didn't. It's just that they didn't win, when they think they can't. And that type of thought is only hurtful to them.

Now, losing is just as important as winning too in my opinion. Without losing you lose a sense of value. You don't really appreciate what you've obtained, and believe it's a divine right of yours rather then maybe the others need to practice more or something along those lines. Without losing, there is no sense of equality.

So this is my explanation to why winning is important, but not everything.

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